Thursday, June 26, 2014

Movers Coming? Here’s What to Do Just Before and Just After

Your movers will be coming within the next few days, and you still have a few things to check off of your To Do list. Here are a few suggestions from us on what to do and when to do it. That way, when the movers arrive at your Plymouth MN home, you’ll be ready to go. And when your movers leave after moving you in, here are a few recommendations on what to tackle right after they’re gone.

Take the time to visit your new home, if you can, and give it a good scrub down before the movers show up with your belongings. This gives you a chance to clean everywhere, unhindered by furniture and other items. You’ll be able to get into those hard-to-reach corners on the floor and on the walls. It’s the perfect opportunity to vacuum all over and scrub the floors. That way, you won’t have to worry about cleaning right after you move in.

When the cleaning is over, go to the local grocery store and stock up on the basics: bread, milk, eggs, drinks, etc. Store them in the refrigerator at your new home (if the power is turned on). That way, after the movers leave, you and your family will have a few things to munch on while you’re getting settled into your new home. And driving to and from the grocery store gives you a chance to get to know your new town!

Finally, after the movers are gone, take some time and hang up the window treatments. You will be able to get to your home’s windows without having to go through the trouble of moving around heavy furniture. 

For more information on movers in Plymouth MN, call RJ Moving at 612-384-2028 or contact us for a Free Moving Quote.