Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Smooth Moving: How to Help Your Commercial Movers

When moving day arrives, your commercial movers in Maple Grove are here to help you and your employees make a smooth transition to your new office space. And there are a few things you can do to help your commercial movers too!

You can assist your commercial movers by keeping walkways clear of boxes and other objects. Ask your employees to stay out of the way and only be in hallways and areas like that if it’s absolutely necessary. Commercial movers like the ones at RJ Moving have a very systematic way of moving things, so it’s easier on us if we have a clear area in which to work.

Make sure any employees that are there on moving day have specific jobs to do to help out. If there are any employees there who don’t have anything to do, it might be easier on everyone if you gave them the day off. That way, there is less confusion overall and your commercial movers can get their work done that much faster. And the faster they get their work done, the sooner you can start to settle into your new office space and the quicker you can get back to business (and making money!).

A final suggestion from us is to label your boxes! You can save a ton of time and hassle in the long run if you are diligent about labeling. If boxes are labeled, your commercial movers will be able to put the boxes in the correct room. You and your employees will spend less time trying to figure out what is in each box and where it should go.

So when you need commercial movers in Maple Grove, give RJ Moving a call at 612-384-2028. We can help with every aspect of your move from start to finish! Or you can get a Free Quote.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tips On What To Do After Moving Day Is Over

Moving day is finally over. Your family is finally starting to settle down a bit and they are getting familiar with their new home. RJ Moving has a few tips on what to do after the residential movers leave your Plymouth home.

The first thing we recommend doing after your residential movers leave is starting to hang up some curtains on the windows, even if they will only be up temporarily. This will give your family some privacy and security. Moving to a new home can be stressful, so hanging up some curtains will help everyone feel a bit more comfortable in their new surroundings. You should also hang up a shower curtain (again, even if it’s only a temporary one) so everyone can take a shower or bath and not have to worry about getting water on the floor. Then make sure everyone is in their pajamas or some other comfy clothes. This can help everyone feel more at ease and relaxed and can help with adjusting to new surroundings (especially if there are any little ones in your family!) 

(Of course, if you hire residential movers like RJ Moving, this can help ease a lot of the stress associated with moving!)

After everyone has showered and changed, it’s time to eat! Start checking out the pizza or Chinese restaurants in your new area, and get some hot food delivered. This is another great way to unwind after the residential movers have left. Have some much-needed family time and watch a DVD together if you have a DVD player and TV set up. Otherwise, it’d be fun to play a low-key game or just sit around and talk about your moving day, your residential movers and what you are most looking forward to doing at your new home.

When you need residential movers in Plymouth, call RJ Moving at 612-384-2028 or contact us for a Free Quote.